Helen is a V-Pop starlet and has a big and important performance today. While her make-up artist Kelly is doing her make-up, they talk about a strange fan who is worrying Helen. Kelly calms Helen down and refers her to Quynie, Helen’s bodyguard. But Helen’s worries seem to be not unfounded, because during Helen’s performance this fan gains access to the hotel room and drugs Kelly with chloroform and ties her up. Quynie is not responsible for Helen during the show and when she returns to the hotel room to take a break she finds Kelly unconscious. Quynie draws her gun, but the crazy fan is also able to drug Quynie with chloroform and tie her up. When the show is over, Helen returns and is already wondering why Quynie didn’t pick her up. When Helen finds the room with her two drugged employees, she is frightened and then the fan shows up to confront her. Meanwhile, Quynie wakes up. She loosens her bonds and tries to sneak up on the fan. The fan notices, turns around quickly, and a shot is fired from his gun. Quynie is hit and the fan is not deterred from executing her by Helen, who begs for Quynie’s life. When Helen tries to escape, he shoots her in the back. The wounded Helen begs for her life, but she too receives one last bullet and must die. The fan now has to get rid of Kelly, who is just waking up and could identify him. He pulls out a knife and stabs Kelly in the neck. She dies instantly. The crazy fan takes his star’s shoes as a souvenir. A final souvenir of his great love.